Re: Longevity and Ayn Anti-Venom

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 05:17:58 MDT

On Tuesday, June 04, 2002 12:28 AM Olga Bourlin
>> For the record, I don't read everything on this list. There really
>> too much to wade through. Let's see. You originally said:
> [my reposted reposted revealed ***not a whit said about poverty***

As I typed, I don't read every single post. I.e., I don't open my email
and say, "Gee, Olga posted three hundred emails. I have to closely read
every word she wrote. I wouldn't want to misunderstand her carefully
crafted masterpieces." I only picked up this thread in the middle.
Your bone to pick is with whomever originally misattributed this to you.

>> Is your point that Rand had nothing to struggle with? That her
>> life was
>> made from the moment she stepped off the boat? Or from the moment
>> was conceived?
> No, none of the above. Only that it was imputed to me that I
> ***poverty*** - and it remains veeeeeeerrrrrrry interesting to me how
> image of "poverty" sprung forth out of my example of the black and
> kids and the swimming pool. (Wowie, I learn something every day -
even when
> I don't intend to! - even things I wish I hadn't, sometimes ...)

Whoa! What was your point about Blacks vs. White then? Wasn't it that
Rand had it easy because of her ethnicity? Or what did you mean? Is it
totally unrelated? (Even the fact that Harlem Renaissance took place
around the time when Rand came to America makes me wonder...)

What's your whole point here anyway? You don't like Rand's work.
Great. There's no disputing tastes. You claim elsewhere she's
basically unoriginal. Does this you agree with her ideas -- her ideas
taken from others? (Which ones? Which plagiarized ideas of hers do you
agree with or think are important?) It all seems to me to be just a
smear. No problem. It's not too many people are going to go to the
barricades over this.

If we were discussing Foucault or Habermas, would everything be reduced
to how unoriginal these guys were or how easy that had it growing up and
living in Western Europe instead of some place where they might be more
heavily persecuted?

Max is perhaps right here. There just is no discussion with you.




Before I got my eye put out
I liked as well to see --
As other creatures, that have eyes
And know no other way --

But were it told to me, Today,
That I might have the sky
For mine, I tell you that my Heart
Would split, for size of me --

The Meadows -- mine --
The Mountains -- mine --
All Forests -- Stintless Stars --
As much of Noon as I could take
Between my finite eyes --

The Motions of the Dipping Birds --
The Lightning's jointed Road --
For mine -- to look at when I liked --
The News would strike me dead --

So safer -- guess -- with just my soul
Upon the Window pane --
Where other Creatures put their eyes --
Incautious -- of the Sun --

--Emily Dickinson

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