Re: folding@home team

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 17:16:55 MST

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Simon McClenahan wrote:

> I'm perplexed as well. I enabled the Google Computing feature in my IE
> Google Toolbar by hacking the Windows registry. I look at the stats, and I
> have some automagically generated id belonging to the Google team. How do I
> switch? Or change id's? Or do I have to download the real client?

Boy, thats one I don't have a clue about.

But I would guess if you can track down where Google/IE are keeping
the Core files and temporary work, you could delete them. Then
install a standard download package for windows and use that instead.

*Or*, if you can find where the client.cfg file is and change whatever
the line with team=GoogleTeam# to team=346, I suspect it would work
next time it got restarted. You might have to remove the "userid="
as well so it would assign you a new one.

You could ask on the folding2 group and see if you get a response
as well.


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