Re: international committee of the red smiley face

From: dwayne (
Date: Sat Mar 30 2002 - 13:42:12 MST

spike66 wrote:

> Is it bitterly ironic that the cross is a symbol of the most cruel form
> of execution ancients could devise,

Well, the Romans. Have a read up on the Assyrians for some over-the-top
punishments. Amongst others.
The Romans thought it hysterically funny that the christians used the crucifix
as a symbol, and the use of the crucifix s a symbol of christianity was a
major obstacle to acceptance of christianity in the upper classes, as only the
most grotty of criminals were crucified, certainly not "decent" people.

> and the symbol euphamistically
> referred to as a "crescent" is symbolic of an Arabic sword used
> to lop off heads of infidels.

I thought it was meant to represent the moon?
> Red smiley it is. {8-]



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