What Extropy Institute Has to Offer --Feedback Requested

From: E. Shaun Russell (e_shaun@extropy.org)
Date: Wed Jan 31 2001 - 12:23:48 MST

Hi all,

As Extropy Institute is working on more ways of increasing our first-hand
involvement with both ExI members and the extropian community as a whole,
we would like to hear some feedback on what you would like to see out of
Extropy Institute. Currently we have bi-yearly Conferences, regular
monthly newsletters to members, a free information list, a long-running
unmoderated mailing list among other things. We also have a projects team
who work on specific tasks and operations, including the rebuilding of the
FAQ, formation of local chapters, etc.

So given what we are currently doing now, what sort of things would you, as
extropians list members like to see more of from ExI? For all of you who
are not currently ExI members, what would you like to see which would cause
you to become members? Should we hold more conferences and/or retreats?
Perhaps we should have more diversified e-mail or web-based forums (such as
expanding upon the NodeNet concept)?

If you have any thoughts on this, please feel free to discuss on the list,
or send suggestions to me personally. Regardless, you feeback is always
extremely valuable, and will influence the operations of Extropy Institute
in the near future.


                                                        -E. Shaun Russell

E. Shaun Russell Operations Officer, Extropy Institute
e_shaun@extropy.org http://www.extropy.org
     ~K i n e t i c i z e Y o u r P o t e n t i a l~

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