Re: No Parole for Federales.

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Wed Jan 31 2001 - 12:35:22 MST

"Ross A. Finlayson" wrote:
> Michael Lorrey wrote:
> > "Ross A. Finlayson" wrote:
> > >
> > > Ross A. Finlayson wrote:
> > >
> > > > Well, only if you get one first.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Only if you get one first, and not then.
> >
> > Fortunately, I'm not a felon or violent felon, which were the types I
> > was directing my comments toward.
> I think felons, when they've paid their debt to society, and are back to
> paying taxes to society, they should get their vote back.

I don't have a problem, assuming they pass a citizenship test. I never
said they would have to have this permanently. This was a concept for an
alternative to prison, a sort of mobile house arrest idea, where only
those who prove their unfitness to live in a trust society must live
under the rules of a 'transparent society'.

My opposition to a transparent society is it automatically treats
everyone like felons. The technologies needed for a transparent society
can be applied far easier to treating felons like felons and free people
like free people.

> Many people here have children in various forms. Some of them might get
> caught up in something when they turn 18 and be found guilty of some
> crime. Noone here would ever accept your device being put on anyone they
> love. What you have suggested is cruel and unusual punishment.

Not at all. Nobody would be in pain, while the stunner would be used
either for instances where the wearer doesn't care about being observed
(i.e. in a rage, etc) or at a low level to 'train' the felon into having
a concience via negative feedback. Far more humane than prison,
especially for non-violent offenders, they wouldn't be exposed to
incorrigibles so much and would not be at risk of prison rape.

> Not being a felon nor draconian, you can call me "Dragon." If there was
> a live-or-die self-defense situation, I would kill my assailant.

Me too.

> Somewhere, on the books, there is a law that you have broken. Many laws
> should be changed.

No doubt on both counts. I have not, however, committed any felonies.

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