Things extropians agree on

From: Charlie Stross (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 17:04:35 MST

In a spirit of non-confrontational rationalism, I'd like to see if we
can compose a list of ideas that we *ALL* agree on.

If you disagree with any of these memes, could you wave a hand and
explain why?

1. Forcing our fellow human beings to live their lives as we see fit
   is unethical. (Persuading them of the error of their ways so that
   they _choose_ to live their lives by our lights is another matter.)

2. Initiating violence against someone is wrong; self-defense is right.

3. The scientific method provides a better way of evaluating reality
   than any religious dogma.

4. Progress (increases in human intelligence, longevity, wealth, and
   happiness) is possible.

5. Central control is usually less efficient than distributed control.

6. Empowering people to learn, work, and transcend their limits is a good

-- Charlie

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