Re: Movies :( was Fightin' words)

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Tue Dec 26 2000 - 09:44:07 MST

On Saturday, December 23, 2000 9:49 PM Damien Broderick wrote:
> >* The Lathe of Heaven: Made by PBS about 20 years ago. I thought it was
> > excellent but Isaac Asimov hated it.
> I haven't seen Asimov's criticism; how interesting. I was going to mention
> that movie but thought people on this list would probably dislike its
> humanist critique of ostensibly melioratist but actually power-hungry
> scientism (although they shouldn't). What John failed to mention is that
> it's a faithful rendition of a [lesser] Ursula K. Le Guin novel, and she's
> one of the greatest sf writers of all time. What's more, she was writing
> that novel to some extent as a hommage to Philip K. Dick, and I still
> it's the best PhilDick movie made so far.

I disagree with your evaluation of LeGuin. Her prose style can sometimes be
intractable. That said, I went through a phase where I read a few of her
novels. However, I was disappointed with _The Dispossessed_.

I thought PBS film version of "The Lathe of Heaven" was so so. So so
acting. So so sets. So so plot and story. However, I watched it several
times just because the story kind of sticks with you.

Daniel Ust

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