Re: Things I want my PDA/Wearable to Do

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Fri Dec 22 2000 - 00:11:30 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:

> Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:
> >>
> >> > I want to, around once per ten minutes whenever I'm not at home,
> >> > spontaneously emit a nickel. The nickel should have a chance of striking
> >> > any given person within 20 meters which is proportional to the inverse of
> >> > the square of the distance between us.
> Dan Fabulich wrote:
> >> I tried this out for a while. You'd think it'd be a good idea, but it
> >> mostly just pissed off passers-by.
> At 11:51 PM 21/12/00 -0500, Eliezer wrote:
> >It really doesn't work unless you use ecash. That was kind of the whole
> >point here. I just happen to think that, socioeconomically, people should
> >behave a bit more like fundamental particles.
> No, I tried that too, and it just infuriated everyone I passed. Banking
> systems being what they are, it was costing those hapless bystanders
> between 50 cents and $5 every time they downloaded my nickel. (Actually I
> used five cents, which is the smallest piece of currency in Oz. But maybe
> our banks are more draconian than elsewhere.)
> Damien Broderick

Have you ever read the Iron Man comic book? Iron Man wore an augmented power suit
made out of steel or some alloy. Thus he could fly. He worked from time to time
with Nick Fury in that comic book universe. A graphic novel of him was among the
first computer-generated graphic novels.

I have some PDAs but mostly use my computer. I like the wireless PDAs because you
can carry them around.

This thread was talking about ecash. Basically, for e-cash you need some
non-repudiable scrip. You can do that anonymously over the Internet using
pre-agreed certificates that have some byzantian level of security around the root


Ross Andrew Finlayson
Finlayson Consulting
Ross at Tiki-Lounge:

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