Re: BOOK: Real Age

From: Dave Sill (
Date: Sat Dec 02 2000 - 21:41:10 MST

Brian D Williams <> wrote:
> Real Age
> Are you as Young as you can Be?
> 44 Scientifically proven Steps that delay Aging
> Michael F. Roizen M.D.
> ISBN 0-06-019134-1

Thanks for the recommendation, Brian. I bought this and the two Bob Arnot
you reviewed and although I haven't finished them, implemented their
suggestions, and reaped the purported benefits, I think they'll help me.

BTW, I bought these through for a fraction of their list
prices--even including shipping. There were *many* copies of all three books
available in case other Extropians want to check them out.

If you're not a member but you want to be, let me know and I'll
refer you. We'll both get $5 coupons. Or you can just go to and
join up on your own. is owned by eBay. It connects buyers and
sellers of books, CD's, movies, and games. Most items sell for under half of
list, hence the name. I've done a bunch of xmas shopping there in the past


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