Re: Reintroduction

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2000 - 15:20:53 MDT

From: Emlyn O'Regan (, Wed Aug 16 2000

>I changed my surname when I got married, to my wife's name

May I ask why the two of you wanted the same last name?

is the reason Symbolism.. Convenience.. something else?

When I was married, my spouse and I chose to keep our own names.
I like my name and I have a long publication record with it,
however my ex didn't like his name, and changed both his first
and last names, 5 years into our relationship. We still found
though that the occassional stranger called him, Mr {my last name},
and less-often, me, Mrs. {his last name}.

My name seems to fit all of criteria in your post, i.e.

>Confusing to spell
>Mistaken for another gender
>Only one in the phone book
>Not listed on any off-the-shelf "personalised" merchandise

I am still using my original name. My Dad did very well, by
giving me, a baffling and distinctive person, a baffling and
distinctive name.

 Graps ==> from Latvian "Gra'pis"
       ==> big black kettle (my ancestors were cooks)

 Amara ====>

* In Sanscrit means "immortal" or "never die".

* In Arabic, a diminutive term that means "dear" or "sweetheart"

* In Italian, amara (male gender) means 'bitter'.

* related to French: "amour" = love

* related to Italian: "amare, amore" = love

* Name of a tribe of Indians living in the mountains and
  caves of Peru.

* Name of Hotel in Singapore

* Russula amara is a frequently found mushroom in the region of

* Amara Kosher Meats is a mail order kosher meat business.

* Name of a Cretan goddess who supposedly existed
  in the Minoan period, also known as Ishtar.

* Name of synthetic leather used in bicycle gloves.

* Name of a rock band in Cleveland, Ohio.

* A "mara" is a small devil who hides under the bed during the
  day, and comes out while someone is sleeping on the bed and
  sits on their chest or back and gives them nightmares.



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