Re: Reintroduction

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 20:00:27 MDT

--- "E. Shaun Russell" <> wrote:

> On the concept of changing one's name, I have always
> supported the idea
> whole heartedly. When one is born into the world,
> it is impossible to have
> the choice of one's name...that responsibility is
> left to the discretion of
> the parents. However, when you get to a certain
> age, there is no reason
> not to choose a name that you feel suits you
> somewhat better.

I was 18 years old on the day that I arrived as a
freshman checking in at my dormitory at Ball State
University. I desperately needed change in my life.
I'd hated high school with a passion and looked
forward with great anticipation to finding kindred
minds in the university setting.

A stranger walked up to me, instroduced himself, and
asked me my name. Without hesitation, I responded,
"Scott" ... a complete fabrication ... a name picked
out of the blue. I didn't think about it, I just
responded. All I knew was that I was no longer the
person previously referred to as "Bill". My new
persona deserved a new name. Few of my old friends
understood this change at first, but they got used to
it eventually.

Perhaps a person's middle name should be left blank at
birth, to be filled in by the person at age 18.

I am still ...


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