Re: Mail Y2K bug?

From: m (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 21:56:49 MST

--- Lee Daniel Crocker <> wrote:
> > ...(OTOH, I can't find postings from
> > Lee Daniel Crocker because he won't fix his Y2K problem.)
> That's the first I've heard of a problem. I sent myself some
> test messages and all the dates appear correct. Is anyone else
> having a problem with my messages (other than content, that is:)?

 Your messages as seen via Yahoo! mail have all kinds of future
dates, even in
March! This is not simply some mix-up due to the date line, but an
error of several days.
 It has been happening since the beginning of the year. Actually I
first thought it
was some kind of of futurist's New Year's joke!

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