Good morning I got up at 5 o'clock this morning. First of all, I'm really happy to be here. At 5 o'clock, it's too honest. I'm happy to be here and to be at EON. We build content in 3D stereo, and then we integrate those products into display systems that you see around you. When there are breaks there are going to be demonstrations. There are different times of displays. We have immersive displays, holographic displays, the screen behind me we call a holographic stage where we have life-sized people walking around on that stage. You can actually put yourself in a rock concert or that type of event. That's an immersive experience, where you're inside and a part of it. Over here we have a display system that is a projection system that is in stereo. Back in the back we have a small monitor type of thing. That's where you can actually build a motorcycle. There's about 800 of htose in the U.S. There's a hollow stage where you can teleport your vision or your image over anywhere in the world and actually have 1-on-1 dialog, that sort of thing. Here we have two displays that are stereo. You do not need to wear glasses. I think that's at for around the room. Now the key to this stereo is that when we tell a story, the story is entertaining. Because it's entertaining, yoru customers will understand the message. They pay attention to it. Because they understand it they retain the information for a longer period of time. We find this tech works wonders in K-12 in the class room and in college and universities, where complex theories and processes can be understood by the lay people. My expertise is aerospace and defense. We touch almost every vertical market. Being the engineering, design, manufacturing, training, all the way up into marketing. The key to this is that as we build assets, the simplistic form is the engineering, we can take this asset and modify it and use it for marketign and training. The cost factor with this technology is very very good. We find it is very cost effective to utilize this technology. How real can we get with it? Most of the things you see around here are very good but they are not that realistic. We're getting to the point now where we've done an actual seamless transition from the real world to the virtual world. I'd like to show you 2 samples of what I mean. The first one is where we need to do video of the triple 7 freighter. The trouble is that the triple 7 freighter isn't in existence yet. We sent a crew out and filmed a 747. We pulled the 747 and we replaced it with a 777 model. Here's a before and after effect. You can show the first one. This is a 747, real air plain. That's the model. That's the 747. That's the model. Real. Model. Real. Model. What this allows us to do is tell a story that people really think that this airplane is in existence. What does this have to do with the story? You have to make it real. We show a photograph of the interior and without people it doesn't look real. We've been trying to get avatars up to the level that they look realistic. I will tell you what you look at it is all virtual space. This space was not in existence. When you see the people, some of them are avatars, are some of them are real people. Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. Remember that this airplane is not in existence. Two of those four people are avatars. The two guys were avatars. The ladies were real. Earlier he was an avatar, now he's a real person. We scripted it out. One of the things when you use this technology, I'll caution you all. A large project with the defense project. And when we went there, they wanted the consumer experience. They wanted to teach people what they've done for future combat system and engineering design, etc. And they had no clue how they were going to pull it off. We story board the concept. We pull in a hollywood crew. Like they were going to write a book or write a story. What do you want your visitor to think about when they visit your facility? When they leave, what concepts do you want them to have? Eric, I told them, we don't want to sell you anything. We use those to enhance the story that we're telling. The "wow" factor. A lot of people say "wow this is so neat I have to have it". But if you don't have a purpose for it, you will have a hard time getting the finance people to do it, so you have to have a reliable return on investment. With the virtual world, we are not bound by physics. I have a PhD that is working on a thesis. He has some abstract concept that he wants to get across. He can get it across using virtual worlds much better than he can in the real world. Who does the work? In the military we work with ICMB people building integrated defense systems. Because of the nature of the work that they do, we cannot do it for them. We teach them how to utilize the tools and do it themselves. Boeing wants us to do it, we have a proprietary relationship. Do you do it yourself? Or do you have someone else? The tech is here today and it allows you to do this. And how I use the equipment. Lastly, what I would like to do is just let you know that these are elligible, we can show you, we're not breaking any rules. The medical profession one, the brain, that's a stereo thing. There's paper glasses on the table, you're welcome to take them home. That's an actual brain scan. We can actually slice going through the brain forward and backwards. It gives you an idea of the value and how they can learn about the human brain. Anyone have any questions? Again, welcome and I hope you have a great day.
Thank you for coming. I'm Alex Lightman. I'm the executive director of H+. I'm happy you're here. 6 months ago I asked Dan, the CEO of EON, if I could use the room to have some friends over because it's my birthday. I'm pleased to say that I'm ahead of schedule. This is the last time that I'll be able to say this. Do I just push the clicker to the right? Great, okay.
My talk is on finding and funding the future, in search of trillion dollar opportunities. One of the problems is that I have to create a big context. We have 50 speakers. That's pretty amazing for 2 days. So I hope you have come with the zen-like empty cup because there's a lot here. 50 to 100 new facebook friends. This is one thing that's fun about the futurist and transhumanist community, we have the most densley interconnected friendships around. Humanism is humans can/should solve human problems. Transhumanism says we should transcend the current conditions. There is no need for divine intervention. I like this. This is from Max More. I was working on Strange Universe. I did all of the internet segments, I did a segment on extropianism - dynamic optimism, boundless expansive, self transformation, and we can overcome problems because of an ever-starting world. Intelligent technology, you're going to hear a lot about this. Spontaneous order, most of this came together in the last few weeks. I want to thank Doug Campbell and all of their colleagues from Mind Share for organizing this. Spontaneous order wasn't that spontaneous. Transhumanism has been around for a long time. Transferring thoughts mind to mind. The neanderthals had bigger brarins. But we had better abilities to communicate and dump heat. We becamem asters of the evolutionary tree. Printing the ability to transfer thoughts. Within 50 years of the Gutenberg press, there were 50M books. This led to all sorts of transformations. Telecommunications. Samuel Morris in 1820s got a grant from congress. It's very funny looking at the newsclips. Transferring thought with the speed of light. In 1973, there was the internet. Transferring genes, expertise, IQ, personalities. What's amazing are the topics that will be discussed in the next 48 hours. There were will be ways to get thoughts out to new people. Transhumanism in the now. H+ magazine. How many of you have seen it. I'm really happy that R. U. Sirius, Ken Goffman will be here. He's my editor. I have written 13 pieces for the magazine. Kristy Scott. So if anyone wants to get published, they have a lot of space on their website, and the print edition is not going to go on. It's a rumor. Everyone took my copies. Humanity Plus. I'm going to do a breakout session at lunch tomorrow. We have a campagin for the rights for better people, longer lives, and a future-friendly culture. Give me a lever and a place to stand, and a fulcrum, and a place to place it, and I will move the world. I think of understanding a new tech as the leverage, the funding from the "axis of credit", that's the fulcrum, and a country asking for your help is your place. Some of you heard my talk at BIL, organized by the incredible Todd Huffman, and how to do cool things around the world. The opportunities have never been greater. I find it amusing about the recession. We're not really making progress. Actually it's better than any other time. The danger is that the U.S. is accumulating dept. The opportunity is that if you understand the world and can apply a fulcrum, you personally can make an entire industry. Who can fund the future? Let's go to 2050. China will have the largest market, near $45 trillion. The U.S. will grow slower than China. This is unprecedented. The U.S. will have $37T, and the EU will have 18T. This is where a lot of money is going to be attained. You might want to diversify your portfolio of expertise to go work in these places. Every company in the world, all that stuff, Google, Apple, it's all $43.8T USD. These are countries that have just 37M people, and they have $489B barrels in oil. If it was at $90/barrel, you can borrow money on it because it's proven reserves, and you can buy every single share of every single public company in the world. If you look towards the bottom there, Hong Kong and China account for a very large amount of treasury, it's approaching 1T. And Japan is approaching $800B. Foreign ownership of U.S. treasures is about $3.384T- that's more than the current social security obligations. About $260B went towards paying the debt. That's not buying a bicycle, getting a meal, just paying the debt. The total federal debt in June was about $12T. If we look at the Obama projections of a $20T, 10% is 2T/yr, and 20%, that's the interest rate. A federal funds interest rate. All of us were in the room when the interest rates happened. 4T/yr is more money than the U.S. will take in taxes this year. There's $3T+ write-downs, that's more than write-downs in the bank. Derivatives are over $604T USD. How do you create wealth? If you look at the graph, you see that the federal debt spiked during WW2 when we were defeating national socialism and facism. One war. All three of them out. Federal debt went out. But then we increased spending. Anyone know why that the debt went down there? The U.S. government put $50M into the internet. And when the U.S. went on the internet, there were 625 public companies. It takes just one 1 new tech to cut the debt hugely. If we create new industries, this is my definition. I made this up. You can't find this. The gold standard of tech innovation: who has the gold makes the standards, and ... gold standard bearers: Amazon is worth $59B. Intel is worth 113B. Cisco is worth $139B. Cisco was worth $555B when all of the companies in China was worth $250B. Google $185B. Microsoft was once worth $600B. To Google place all of the capital to get to the place it was, it was $25M. If you have the right business, you can make a $100B+ community. The homebrew computer club was put together so that people could share scifi books. And within a few years of Osborne, Osborne did $100M and Compaq made more than 100M. Every single one of the 22 were millionaires. I don't skate towards where the puck is, I skate to where the puck is going. That's true of technology too. Cognitive enhancement. Solar panel. Augmented reality. Desalinization. Robotic care-givers, longevity, intelligent transportation, cloud computing. All of this is where things are going. There are overlap between these different areas. Hillary Cliton wrote "it takes a village".. well it takes a community of facebook geeks to make a trillion dollar industry. Can you advance it from the back? Any questions? Alright, so I will go on without my slides. Tomorrow, we're going to have a full day of talks, we'll have a meeting in the morning. We're back. Revenue projections for 2014. It's almost 2010. Within the time horizon of planning. AR, who is working with augmented reality in this room. Two people in the AR. $732M. Who's working in RFID? $9.2B. Cloud computing? $14B. Smart grids? $17B. Mobile gaming? $18B. Anyone doing 4G wireless in this room? And renewable industry and clean tech? Japan is investing $21B in space-based solar power. Cognitive enhancement. Longevity treatments. Desalination, the world is running out of water. U.S. will invest over $1T in the next 25 years. There's a cambrian explosion of robots, and also what we come up together at the hplus summit. There's a need for green engineers. The U.S. will invest in $150B over 10 years. If you're a smart person in sci/tech, you can probably get a space in the industry. $500B to 1T by China. Who has seen the yellow cover of Scientific American this month? It's worth the 20min to read it. If you invest 100T and you build 260 new hydroplants, and if you just look at them, you can be completely free of oil and natural gas and coil, and 100% sustainable from all those things. In the end we will all be the winners, but who will be the players? We need to transition from concept and design to implementation,l we need positive forward looking vision. Part of the reason I wanted to partner with Eon is that 3D is great for imaginging the future. There's so much brain power here. There might be somebody who knows more people. Okay, good, I get to meet new friends. And at lunch I will talk about scifi. We welcome you as a member. We have student memberships, it's not really much money. You have a way of contributing directly. I want to do an H+ summit at the second week of May. How many of you would have found it more convenient to be in L.A. instead of Irvine? Okay, great. For Kevin Kent over there, he was very close. How long did you have to drive? 3 minutes. Great. I think this is the Blue Print Prophecy people. Greg Benford is from UC Irvine, and will be talking about his company Genescient. Jessy Roman? Where are you. Information "curators". We're the best information curators. Todd Huffman on whole brain emulation afghanistan. What happens if lots of people live over 150 years. And Patri Freadman was doing an experiment latching boats together. It's up to you. I have a couple requests. Friend each other. Share that information. Coach each other. Help each other live longer and be smarter. Run a marathon in 2010. If all those people on the Bigest Loser can do it, you can do it too. I have a couple housekeeping announcement. Would you guys fill the gaps in the seats in the center. Some people are standing up. Our mindshare colleagues have negotiated.. the closer you are the more information you get, the more osmosis. There's a prefixed dinner of $25, there's a shuttle for the first 20 people, I can give a ride to some people. It's at the height regency hotel. Please tweet. Hash tag hplus. Tweet. There's also techzulu, can we give them a hand? Thanks.