About this wiki
This is a wiki for open source hardware, do-it-yourself biohacking and practical transhumanism. The engineering teams behind this wiki can be found in the hplusroadmap IRC channel (logs). Projects are self-funded by the group.
Editing this wiki
Submit a pull request on github: https://github.com/kanzure/diyhpluswiki
Register to edit here and see other commands. You can also clone this wiki with git and push changes back:
git clone git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git
Note to push changes you must push with your registered account:
git push username@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git master
You can make this easier by updating the remotes:
git remote set-url origin username@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git
Now "git push" should work without debilitating complaint.
Interesting pages
- genetic-modifications - proposed human upgrades
- gene-editing - various gene therapy tools and mechanisms
- protein-engineering - protein folding and protein engineering wishlist
- transcripts - bryan goes to conferences and types really really fast
- hplusroadmap - what is hplusroadmap?
- project ideas - what can you do with DNA synthesis?
- DIYbio FAQ - this is a basic FAQ on do-it-yourself biohacking
- DIYbio group list - stalk everyone in diybio for fun and profit!
Index of pages
- articles
- bitcoin
- cad
- chatsummaries
- diybio
- dna
- fda
- gene-editing
- gene-therapy
- genetic-modifications
- goals.yaml.txt
- homecmos
- hplusroadmap
- human-modifications.csv
- images
- in-vitro-fertilization
- index
- longevity
- myostatin
- nanotech
- nootropics
- polymerase
- projects
- protein-engineering
- proteins
- scaffolding
- self-replicating machines
- senses
- talk:diybio
- trans-tech.yaml.txt
- transcripts
- transhumanism
- users
- wikiicons
- wikis
Also there's a laser_etcher for microfluidics project (see cgit).