I found it very interesting how this actually revises the idea that you gain mass as you approach the speed of light... instead you sort of "out run" the CA such that it can't transmit all the force info onto ya ?
I also found it quite discouraging that it is impossible to break out of the sim on our own. Perhaps we can somehow get the attention of the people running the sim and have them upload us into "real space" ?
Eugene Leitl wrote:
> http://cvm.msu.edu/~dobrzele/dp/
> I'm exstatic. They have a mailing list. They have a bibliography.
> This is how I found this gem here:
> http://xxx.lanl.gov/html/physics/9810010
> The origin of the universal speed limit
> One should really visit http://xxx.lanl.gov more often instead of just
> plugging it everywhere.
> 'gene
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-- "Knowing the path is not the same as walking the path." -Morpheus _The Matrix_