In a message dated 3/5/98 12:50:54 AM, you wrote:
>The question should be : "When does a human being become sentient?"
>IMO a fetus is not a sentient being. And if the parent(s) do wish
>it NOT to become a sentient being, they should be allowed to "murder"
>IT, BEFORE it does.
>IMO it's even questionable if a newly born baby is a sentient being.
>I get the impression that a baby, less than a couple of months old,
>seems even less sentient than a dog. Furthermore it is commonly
>accepted to murder pigs. And pigs are claimed to be even more
>intelligent and sentient than dogs. Following this reasoning it
>should also be acceptable to murder babies.
>However personally, because of emotional reasons, I think we
>should draw the line at hte point at least before the moment
>of birth.
>And after all, I wouldn't kill a dog too (at least when I'm not
>extremely hungry :-> )
>The most rational way however, would be to determine for each
>case separately if the baby in question has become sentient
>enough to claim the right to live.
>However what is sentient enough?
>And furthermore this procedure would be quite impractical and
>probably not fail-proof.
>>What's so special anyway about the moment of conception that a 'person'
>>begins to exist there?
>I guess that most people who claim this, assume that a non-physical
>spirit is entering the biological body at this moment.
>>Hkl ------> Technology & Future at http://
>Transcedo --> Dutch Transhumanist Society
>Because the future is where we will spend the rest of our lives ...
>You see things and ask "Why?" ; I dream things and ask "Why not?"