Harry Oldfield and his invisible universe

From: gardar@hugvit.is
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 06:28:34 MST

You've all seen this, energy patterns emanating from physical objects.

But Harry has more stuff up his sleeve.
I was told that he has created a machine that reads the energy emanations from
tha "aura".
Used by hospitals in the UK to diagnose diseases in peoples energy field long
before it manifests in the physical body.
He discovered that quarts cristals "screem" or emanate sounds and noises if you
feed them a mild electric current.
So in association with an Icelandic film musician, he "hot wired" a number af
quarts cristals and recorded their "music" on a CD.

I am curious. In Extropian terms, what is the "aura"?

Gardar Gardarsson

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