Rape [was Re: something from the columbine tapes]

From: Robert J. Bradbury (bradbury@www.aeiveos.com)
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 06:25:01 MST

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Damien Broderick wrote:

> [snip ... points by Kathryn & others re: Columbine tapes]
> Yr revulsion is pretty much how I feel, Kathryn, at seeing remarks on this
> list (either callously candid or sophomorically jesting) - there forever in
> the archives for everyone to see - extolling the joys of rape.

In a very rare occurence, I find myself thinking that you need to
look at this a bit deeper Damien. I hope that we would generally
agree that the Columbine tapes most likely fall into "sophomorish"
(likely hormone induced) self-promotion. However, "the joys of rape"
should not be cast into the same bit-bucket quite so litely.

For the archives -- "rape" is a crime that violates another person's
will and freedom that should not have to be suffered by anyone.

However, the "joy of rape" is a much more subtle issue. We are machines
that are programmed to survive and reproduce. For such a machine to
operate successfully there have to be "drives" (i.e. "experienced" rewards
for certain behaviors). Given the low investment required by males
in sperm production, it makes complete sense that there is a
high reward factor for low investment behaviors that can potentially
result in offspring. [This is ignoring the probable fact that "rape"
in most circumstances seems to be a crime involving "control rewards"
rather than "sexual rewards".]

We can only move forward from this *if* we acknowledge it and become
creative about how to evolve above it. In an SI there is going
to be a huge payoff for "raping" someone elses computronium to
impregnate it with copies of yourself. Yet, morally, that seems wrong.

The only solution that I can see is some kind of evolved value
(i.e. created self-perceived rewards) for either *no* reproduction
or *consenting* reproduction with an agreement to sacrifice or
invest resources. Dealing with the "joy of rape" is going to be
with us for a very long time.


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