Re: sex idiocy

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 14:16:55 MST

Julian Assange <> wrote on Friday, December 17, 1999 4:55

> a) up until recently, sex has never been `for fun'.

This is a common assumption made by arm-chair evolutionists. It is a
natural assumption to think that evolution would push sex acts toward
reproduction to increase propagation. This is not the case. Animals will
mount anything that feels good, including inanimate objects. They seem to
do whatever feels good or is "fun", and don't seem to care or even know if
their activities are leading to reproductions. Human activities are

Evolution seems to have evolved a strong sex drive without emphasizing
selectivity. By wanting sex a lot, reproduction often occurs. Pushing
resources toward pursuit of "fun" sex seems to be a more successful strategy
than pushing resources toward "reproductive" sex. Some animals only mate
when fertile or only mate with females of their own species, but most
animals will mount and rub their genitals against anything. It seems that a
sex drive geared toward "fun" seems to more successful than other

Harvey Newstrom <>
Certified Consultant,  Legal Hacker, Engineer, Research Scientist, Author.

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