Re: Nano-boy News

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Dec 18 1999 - 00:53:03 MST

> > Actually I need to check on the state of the art in face rec. [spike]
> ...
> Charlie Stross wrote: Put a whole bunch of these metrics together any you
> have a "fingerprint" distinctive enough that you could dress up as the Pope,
> shave your head, grow a beard, wear an eye-patch and some false teeth,
> and they'd still recognize you.

Cool! This suggests a man vs. machine type challenge. One could put
on a costume good enough that ones friends cannot recognize one. How
long before software person recognition gets better than human? How
about if we use our best tricks to fool both? Think of Jerry Lewis and
Jim Carrey. When these two are goofing, it is very easy to recognize
Jerry and Jim goofing. But would the software grok it? spike

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