SPOILER: _President's Analyst_. Arkuat, don't look! (was Re: GPS implants are here)

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp-lib.org)
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 22:16:00 MST

It would have been nice it you'd included a spoiler warning.
I was planning on showing this movie to some folks on the list.


At 11:26 1999/12/17 -0800, you wrote:
>Danny Yavuzkurt wrote:
> > Now it's just a matter of time until they're implanted in us at birth...
>Some on this list may remember the movie, "The President's Analyst" (1967),
>which was a spy satire staring James Coburn. The real bad guys turn out to be
>TPC (The Phone Company), who's automaton executives are out to save money on
>infrastructure by having a phone chip (with lifetime dedicated phone number)
>injected into the bloodstream of each person at birth, which then becomes
>in the brain and provides phone service.
>I think satire may be a better vehicle for long term predictions because
>of the
>added freedom that comes from not having to be very reasonable at the time.
>The writer-director, Theodore Flicker, of this movie showed it to a group
>of us
>when I was in college, and told us some amusing stories about making it. They
>were worried that Bell Tel would put pressure on the distributors to suppress
>the film, but that did not turn out to be a problem. What did turn out to
>be a
>problem, is that the FBI did not like the spoof they did on J. E. Hoover,
>so the
>studio made them go back in and redub all the frames where someone says
>"FBI" to
>be "FBR" (the "CIA" also got changed in this process, but Flicker
>disavowed any
>knowledge of how that happened).

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