Re: Brain Device May Fight Depression

From: Octavio Rojas Diaz (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 13:48:49 MST

"Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" wrote:

> Yep, they're pretty wacky guys down there at Cyberonics; they make the
> "off-the-shelf hardware" I was referring to in _Algernon's Law_.

I've read most of the things you have on your webpage, and I agree
this guys make very interesting things.

> Looks like we might be getting set for the Great Neurohacking Revolution
> I was talking about a few years back... I thought it might wind up
> getting delayed to a post-Singularity Normal Time figure, but then
> again, maybe not.

I agree, we are starting to get a hold of many useful tools
not just neurohacking, we also have a vast array of substances
that can be very useful in mental enhancing, and there are a lot
more that are on research!!

> You know, sometimes I wonder if the neurohacking revolution AND the
> assembler breakthrough AND the dawn of artificial intelligence are all
> going to happen over the course of a week in September of 2005.

I sincerely hope so, and fortunately more and more people get interested
in AI or neuroscience, because of great sci-fi and pages like yours
I have to admit, that after reading your pages I became interested in both.

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