Re: Qualia again

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Dec 11 1999 - 21:12:14 MST

At 10:00 PM 9/12/99 PST, "jeff nordahl" <> wrote:

>Qualia to me seems to be the experiencing of our own neuro-chemical
>reactions (programmed and learned) that are launched by various perceprions.

Look, I just can't help myself, okay? It's this bug in my brain unit. But I
loved this typo.

Dig it! *Qualia* are a side effect of all those commensal prions that skate
around inside your cerebral juices, handing off percepts and blending
conceptoxins. I think, therefore I am sick! (sic)

Damien Broderick (and his inner prions all in a row)

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