Re: Qualia again

From: jeff nordahl (
Date: Thu Dec 09 1999 - 23:00:50 MST

>I wonder what will happen when I can link the output of one person's V4
>to all the places my V4 sends connections to.

I would also enjoy this connection, especially to my girlfriend while having
intercourse. Then I could know if she's faking her orgasms (joke) It would
be mutual masturbation and highly educational about opposite gender
experience (qualia.)

  Will I then get to experience
>someone else's sensation of red? My brother is color deficient (true, it's
>problem of sensory detection more than processing), but I would be
>to know what he perceives. And what about true variations in perception,
>like synesthesia. I am forced to believe that qualia exists because I
>experience it. I suspect that someday we will be able to reproduce it, and
>then change it. Once we are able to do those things, we will likely be on
>the road to understanding it. As for whether AI's will have qualia if we
>don't specifically design for it (say, by mimicking the structure of our
>perceptural cortex), I couldn't say. It might emerge, or it might not.
>Believe it or not, I still think AI's can be intelligent, self-aware, and
>deserving of rights without having qualia per se. Qualia is a fascinating
>phenomenon, but not the yardstick by which I judge personhood. Perhaps
>will experience pure abstract consciousness, with awareness but no
>perception. I'm still looking into the topic.

AI's without qualia will be strictly driven to achieve tasks successfully
and efficiently. Get from point A to point B in the quickest time. They
will be our slaves and will have no objection to it because without qualia
they cannot be rewarded or punished for their activities, thus will be

Qualia to me seems to be the experiencing of our own neuro-chemical
reactions (programmed and learned) that are launched by various perceprions.
  For example: when I see bright orange, I feel excitement which can be
associated with adrenalin. In nature, instinct has pre-programmed that
orange things are often dangerous, poisonous fish, fire, etc. So my initial
qualia for orange is a rush or reflex of temporary danger (adrenalin
excretion). Upon later inspection I may detect that the orange object is a
pumpkin. The bright orange got my attention through danger association, but
now the orange pumpkin launches a warm festive memory of Thanksgiving with
my family. The danger qualia has now subsided and transformed into a
dopamine excretion of pleasure while I remenisce about my safe loving
family. etc.etc. The same qualias can be applied to sounds and associated
instincts and memories (rattlesnake rattles and pounding drums). It seems
to me that qualia is the rebounding reactions of instinct and memory with
their associated chemical reward and punishment (safety and danger)

Thus, AI's will only achieve qualia if we can devise a means to reward and
punish them / scare them or make them feel secure. How to do this is a
mystery to me, would rationing out electricity as treats like we do with
fish when training dolphins be a motivator?

Also, what would we use AI's for anyway? For comradery or as slaves
(labor.) If you want an AI buddy to chat with, give it qualia. If you want
an AI slave, qualia is the last thing you'd want included in the
programming. Qualia is a distraction to getting the job done!!!

>Glen Finney

Jeff Nordahl

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