Re: Uplifting II

From: Ken Clements (
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 15:57:59 MST wrote:

> If the octopede you uplifted before you uplifted the octopede you uplifted after
> you uplifted the octopede you uplifted before you uplifted this one, was harder
> than the octopede you uplifted after you uplifted the octopede you uplifted
> before you uplift this one, was the octopede you uplifted before you uplifted
> this one harder than this one?
> GG.

I find your question a bit confusing. Did you mean "harder" as in "more difficult
to uplift" or "harder" as in "not as soft as the previous creature", or perhaps "has
a more negative disposition"?


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