Re: Why Would Aliens Hide?

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Tue Nov 23 1999 - 06:06:57 MST

On Sat, 20 Nov 1999 wrote:

> Do we have any evidence, such as extremely odd star formations; that might
> indicate intelligence?

Constellations? :-?

> A hexagon of stars, might prove to be more efficient
> mathematically, in moving mater, energy, and information then a randon
> scattering; as we appear to have currently.

True, for the most efficient structure, you would proabably want
something like a buckyball. But you have to keep in mind that these
are large gravitational masses so everything has to be "orbiting"
or it collapses. I'm unsure whether there are any theories or
examples of optimal 3-D structures where all of the verticies are
in motion.

> Unless we gain positve evidence,
> Fermi and Tipler are right. We have met 'intelligent-life' and they is us.

Distinctly possible, but saying it doesn't explain *why* that is the case.

I'll post a note in the next day or two on a review of the dark matter
problem that discusses some of the real observations and stretching being
done by the theoretical physicists.


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