the evangelical mass media debating transhumanism...

From: john grigg (
Date: Wed Nov 17 1999 - 17:04:23 MST

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 12:58:12 -0800
From: John Thomas <>
Subject: Re: Sasha's Web Page

At 11:52 AM -0800 11/16/1999, J. R. Molloy wrote:

>Happily, it seems religious fanatics spend too much time quarreling >among
>themselves to take up a quarrel with extropy.

You'll find them hard at work on the sci.skeptic, sci.astro, and
alt.atheist newsgroups. Not much energy left for us.
(end of reproduction)

It is only a matter of time before transhumanism and extropianism is taken
up as a target for evangelical criticism, mark my words. In time there will
be at least several evangelical websites that will have articles denouncing

I am a Mormon and I can tell you a huge amount of energy goes toward
debating my church. Of course with the strong Mormon missionary effort this
is seen as a means of dealing with it. Video programs and books are also
regularly cranked out in this effort. This is done out of a desire in their
eyes to do what is right I believe but also a great deal of money is
generated doing this.

Evangelicals like to find new pastures to criticize and so it is just a
matter of time till extropianism is targeted. Expect to be discussed on the
Bob Larson show, the LaLonde Brothers tv program, the John Ankerberg tv
program, Jeremiah films as well as by others. These programs will be
broadcast nation and even world-wide on a regular basis. And in time, Hal
Lindsey, the LaLonde brothers, Dave Hunt and others will be writing books
about extropianism and transhumanism that will sell many copies, believe me.

The Extropian Institute will probably be focused on since in is a formal
organization with some interesting individuals in it. I am sure these shows
and books will single out Max and Natasha. Down the road I expect extropian
leaders being invited to debates on these evangelical programs which will
later be broadcast nationally and also sold to the viewership.

I believe the motives of these evangelicals in the mass media to be largely
sincere actually. They feel compelled to bring to the notice of the
membership anything against their paradigm so they can refute it. A
comparison will be made of extropianism against evangelical interpretations
of the Bible to show where transhumanism differs and thereby is clearly
wrong and so wicked in their view.

Ironically, this entire effort of theirs will lead to far greater exposure
of extropianism. It could even backfire in that some adults and expecially
teens may find themselves attracted to transhumanism. But on the whole it
will have a uniting effect on the flock which is a major desired effect of
such endeavors.

It is just a matter of time for these events to happen. It should be very
interesting to watch them play out.


John Grigg

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