Re: The Unfathomable

From: M. E. Smith (
Date: Wed Nov 03 1999 - 10:04:43 MST

--- Lee Daniel Crocker <>
> It is good that we fight dogmatism and
> irrationality; but
> let's not get so hung up on a word that we sacrifice
> the
> elegance and power of the language available to us.

Here here! (Or is it "Hear hear!"? "Hear here!"??)

I might add, if Extropianism becomes associated in the
public mind with people who get abusive and angry
whenever the "God" meme comes up, REGARDLESS OF THE
INTENT OR CONTEXT, it will hamper the spread of
Extropian memes.

In some of the recent posts concerning religion, some
people have been painting with mighty broad strokes.

** *** ***** ******* ***********
M. E. Smith
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