Lunex - USAF 1961 Moon Base

From: Larry Klaes (
Date: Wed Nov 03 1999 - 10:08:35 MST

Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 06:10:38 -0500 (EST)
Reply-To: fpspace@SOLAR.RTD.UTK.EDU
Sender: fpspace@SOLAR.RTD.UTK.EDU
To: Multiple recipients of list <fpspace@SOLAR.RTD.UTK.EDU>
Subject: Lunex - USAF 1961 Moon Base
X-Comment: Friends and Partners in Space

In May 1961 the US Air Force released a secret report, summarising the
result of years of planning to place a military base on the moon by 1967.
The complete Project Lunex - Lunar Expedition report, including some
observations, is now on-line on the Encyclopedia Astronautica at:

This is a little off-topic, but there are some interesting parallels to 1960
Russian lunar base plans (noted in the report). Members of this list may
also find Section X - Intelligence Estimate - interesting as a summary of US
knowledge of Russian space capabilities and plans at the same time the moon
landing decision was being made.


Mark Wade
Encyclopedia Astronautica

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