Re: Newsfeed/NNTP access [was Re: SETI sci.astro.seti newsgroup created]

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Tue Nov 02 1999 - 18:32:48 MST

Try, cheap feed you can access no matter where you take
your 'puter. wrote:
> Robert J. Bradbury, <>, writes:
> > > Subject: SETI sci.astro.seti newsgroup created
> > The problem is that Deja is slow (and who wants the ads).
> > I'd prefer a standard news feed but my ISP (being a big
> > bureacratic telcom company) doesn't seem to have the newsgroup,
> > might not grant me access to their news server and will be
> > wonderfully slow (and probably ill-informed) in responding
> > to my queries on this topic.
> I would imagine that your ISP (US West?) will carry this news group
> since it is in the sci hierarchy, but it might take a few days for it
> to appear, if it was just created today. However if their coverage is
> generally slow and spotty then you should complain. I am sure they have
> many subscribers who use newsgroups and your voice will join theirs.
> > The question is what to do?
> >
> > Does anyone know of public/free NNTP servers that are relatively fast?
> Unfortunately, I do not, and I imagine that these characteristics are
> somewhat contradictory.
> Hal

"A man makes a picture/A moving picture/Through light projected/He can
 see himself up close/*Gotta meet her there*/A man captures colour/
 *She's your destination*/A man likes to stare/*There's no sleeping
 there*/He turns his money into light/*She's imagination*/To look for
 her/She is the dreamer/She's imagination" -U2, Lemon

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