
From: Rob Harris (
Date: Thu Nov 25 1999 - 03:36:05 MST

>How many of you have steeped yourselves in Hindu or Buddhism, before your
reject it?....
>....Maybe its all an adaptive, evolutionary neurosis, but at least know
what you
>are rejecting.....

Do you know the name of the land in which the tooth fairy lives? Do you know
how old Rudolph the rednosed reindeer is? So how can you reject santa and
the tooth fairy?

Of course, the above argument is trash, but is all too often used by crazies
desperately trying to defend their delusions, and it's exactly the argument
you are using, Spud.
Rational people can see exactly what religion is and what purpose it serves,
just as they can see what childhood myths such as santa and the tooth fairy
are. It doesn't take more than 5 minutes thought. The specifics of any one
system are completely irrelevant. Religion = reality shield for the weak
minded.....and this is universal.


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