Re: religion

Date: Mon Oct 25 1999 - 09:32:13 MDT

In a message dated 10/25/1999 2:34:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Thought. The specifics of any one
 system are completely irrelevant. Religion = reality shield for the weak
 minded.....and this is universal. >>

This is insulting. It may be the truth but it's put in the meanest possible

What maybe seem obvious bullshit to the freethinker, is precious and
comforting to the pious. The problem lies in how one tells a person the bad
news -- so they'll question it themselves. Children should *never* be told
such lies. But when they are, it is usually by someone they love and trust.
Even when we tell them Santa is a lie, it reflects on the very life-givers
that brought them into this world.

Religion is like a security blanket. It is often a foundation upon which many
people build their very lives. Be gentle when you tell them it isn't there.
And if they see it!!

...hold out your hand when they experience the inevitable vertigo.
: - )

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