Re: The big picture

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Wed Oct 27 1999 - 07:02:28 MDT

At 10:41 AM 26/10/99 -0700, florence wrote:

>within each and every
>part is a complete 'map' (much like DNA) of the

How do you know? It seems very unlikely.

>conceptually clearest through
>the example of the hologram

< sound of head slamming despairingly into brick wall >

The observable universe is nothing like a hologram. (That is what makes
holograms interesting and unlike, say, photographs, fish and the square
root of minus 3.) If you wish to say that it is, in the face of the
evidence, please identify the scanning and reference coherent illumination
used to make it.

>It is like the posters on the wall
>of kindergarten class

Yes indeed.

Damien Broderick

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