Re: Metastable universe

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 18:37:33 MDT

On 26 Oct 1999, Anders Sandberg wrote:

> If there were differences in background energy level, even very small
> ones, tremendous amounts of energy could be released by redistributing
> the vacuum - this isn't observed, it ought to be very visible.
> The background radiation seems to show that the matter in the early big
> bang was not quite homogenous, but it says little about the vacuum.

*OR* that there are locally evolved "pockets" of SIs that radiate
waste heat at temperatures *slightly* above the background radiation.

Our "scale" for the variation in the CMBR is so "gross" at this point
it wouldn't take very big SI congregations to make things appear slightly
warmer in one direction than another direction.

Oooppps, sub-SI-Anders falls into the pit of "conventional wisdom"
and the *assumption* that the *simplest* explanation is that the universe
has no intelligence or evolution to the limits of physics to explain
those pesky "observations".

Good thing his last entertainment piece was so delicious otherwise
I'd suggest a 2-week banishment for penance...


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