Re: Religion bashing? continued...

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Mon Oct 25 1999 - 23:06:59 MDT

> [Micah Redding noted] that the apostle Paul had a quite
> different attitude than what is called "faith" on this list. he
> encouraged people to "test all things..."

Which to me, is evidence that Paul did not write Hebrews,
which in chapter 11 verse 1 says "Faith is the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Religion and science can play together if they follow these rules:

Religion is to speculate *only* on that which in principal
*cannot* be tested directly or indirectly.

Science is to speculate *only* on those things which
*can* be tested experimentally, even theoretically.

Each must stay in its own sandbox. Stephen Jay Gould
wrote a good book about this, called Rocks of Ages. spike

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