Re: TMS treatment [was Re: American Psychiatric Association]

From: Carol Tilley (
Date: Fri Oct 22 1999 - 19:45:16 MDT

> > Does anyone have a pointer to hard peer-reviewed studies on this?

From: Ken Clements
> I am also interested in finding these.

I believe that Sherry can provide you with this information. She has
indicated having researched the topic via Medline/PubMed or similar
retrieval systems prior to her inquiry here.

Sherry, perhaps you could educate us in this appear to have more
information than we do. And thanks for your timely _sharing_. I just
finished talking to my see if she could add any anecdotal
comments. Unfortunately, she had only minutes left on her pass from the
hospital where she is withdrawing from three of her nine meds as part of her
ECT prep slated to start Nov 1st. She was unaware of rTMS and will consult
with the ECT doc on Monday.

So, what to say...thanks. Sounds like you know how to take good care o'

C. Tilley

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