Re: Radioactive decay and long-term preservation

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Oct 20 1999 - 20:58:05 MDT

Jeff Davis wrote:

> Spike, the zen master, wrote (approximately): "I don't care if they laugh
> with me or if they laugh at me, so long as they laugh." Then he wrote,
> "...coal, a form of carbon free of carbon 14,..." Then I laughed. The
> monastery curriculum not to strong on the radiochemistry of coal, eh, spike?

I encourage the laughter Jeff. {8^D But I dont get it. Are you saying there
is carbon 14 in coal? I meant, wood has carbon 14 to start with, then
over the eons it takes to form coal, yer 14 goes away, half every 6k years.

> Next you'll be telling me that carbon 14 dating means that your girlfriend is
> radiant.

No. Carbon 14 dating is the kind of dating done by us old guys. {8^D spike

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