Study: Brain Regenerates Cells

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Fri Oct 15 1999 - 10:45:45 MDT

 Study: Brain Regenerates Cells

WASHINGTON (AP) _ Contradicting a long-held belief, researchers
 say the brain is constantly churning out new neurons for its
 learning and memory center, according to a study that could lead to
 novel ways to treat brains damaged by injury or diseases such as
     In studies using macaque monkeys, the researchers at Princeton
 University have for the first time traced the path followed by
 neurons that are created in one part of the brain and then migrate
 to the neocortex, the center of the mind's ability to reason and
     Once the new neurons arrive in the neocortex, they ``plug in''
 and become a new part of the brain's central circuitry, said
 Elizabeth Gould, head of a Princeton brain research team.
     ``This shows that there is a naturally regenerative mechanism''
 in the mature brain, said Gould, the first author of a study
 appearing Friday in the journal Science. ``If we can understand
 better how it works, maybe we could use that to direct the
 regeneration and repopulation of neurons in damaged areas of the
     For decades, brain researchers have thought that once neurons
 were lost in the neocortex, they were not replaced and that their
 function forever was gone. It was believed the brain contains so
 many cells that this natural attrition had little effect until late
 in life.
     Now the new Princeton study, if confirmed by other researchers,
 shows that the mature primate brain does produce new neurons that
 incorporate themselves into the thinking center.
     ``This study could be very significant in terms of understanding
 the range of mechanisms that the cortex has available to it for the
 storage of information and for repair,'' said William T. Greenough,
 director of neuroscience at the University of Illinois' Beckman
 Institute. ``These data scream for a reanalysis of human brain
     Earlier studies had given strong hints that the brain had an
 unsuspected regenerative power. Some researchers had shown in rats
 and monkeys that new cells were regenerated in the hippocampus, a
 very primitive part of the brain that controls basic functions and
 is the same in many animals. But it generally was believed that the
 neocortex, with its storehouse of memories and advanced reasoning
 power, was unique, stable and unchanging.
     The neocortex reaches its most sophisticated level of
 development in primates, including humans. Most experts believe the
 structure and function of the neocortex is very similar in all
 primates and that basic processes in the brains of monkeys are like
 those in humans. But Greenough and others cautioned that Gould's
 study needs to be confirmed in humans.
     In the Princeton study, Gould and her team injected monkeys with
 a compound called bromodeoxyuridine, or BRDU, that is taken up by
 cells in the process of making new cells.
     An examination just hours after the injection showed that the
 cells in one area of the brain took up the BRDU, proving that the
 cells were dividing and making immature neurons.
     An examination a week after injection showed that the new
 neurons had migrated, matured, and, in effect, had plugged
 themselves into the neocortex, the thinking center of the brain.
     Just how these new neurons function is not known, Gould said.
 They could take up existing memories from the old neurons in the
 neocortex, or they could be like a new floppy disk in a computer _
 clean and ready to start storing new data. Gould said more research
 is needed to understand exactly how the brain uses these new cells.
     Gould said it is not known if Alzheimer's or other dementia
 disorders are linked to a failure or a decline of this natural
 neuron regeneration process. But at least now, she said, ``it is
 possible to consider that, to ask that question. It had not even
 been considered previously.''

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