Transhumanism in History

From: Joseph Sterlynne (
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 22:05:57 MDT

I am resending this as my original (sent Sunday, 10 October) seems to have
not appeared on the list. If I am mistaken forgive the duplicate.

> Natasha Vita-More
>> Robert J. Bradbury

>>All history we know of to date will pale in comparison to what happens
>>when the singularity hits because the rate of change will be so much
>>more rapid. [. . .]
>Why only refer to our history from the perspective of the Singularitiy are
>Internet Time. I think Vernor would be surprised by this -:)

It is true that we cannot ignore previous developments because we foresee
(or have experienced) a comparatively significantly more dramatic
development. Much or all of what we perceive as transhumanism has in a way
simply been a part of the history of science and technology.

>>While we look at the development of extropianism/transhumansim
>>now as a significant event (and a d*** hard one to accomplish), looking at
>>it in retrospect from post-singularity time, it will be as significant as
>>what Al Capone had for breakfast on the day he died.
>Very interesting Robert, but I cannnot agree with you. Sounds like you are
>waiting for the future to happen rather than being a part of it.

This, however, is unfair. Robert, in his numerous posts to this list, has
demonstrated an active dedication and involvement in the matters with which
we are all concerned. His contributions have been researched, detailed,
and diverse and can compare to those of other notable participants on the
list. Activity on this list isn't everything but it does (when focussed)
inform and stimulate. I am sure that Robert intends his effort to extend
beyond our discussions here.

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