Re: reforming education

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 21:26:15 MDT

Brian D Williams wrote:
> From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
> >>
> >> Give every kid a Thinkpad......
> >I've often thought that this would be a good idea, that the
> >savings alone in the reduction of future prison populations (at
> >$50,000 per year per convict) would more than pay this investment
> >back.
> We agree on this...
> >>I'm sure the National Education Association would really hate
> >>this policy and that's pretty good evidence it's a good idea
> >> I'm sure they would hate it, but we disagree as to why....
> >Stupid is as union does....
> Sorry Mike we don't agree on this one. The vast majority of
> scientists in this country are Union, and even the doctors are
> organizing now.... Every right you have in the workplace was won
> for all workers by the effort of Union labor.
> Less than a block from where I sit typing this is Haymarket, where
> in the early part of this century Union organizers were framed,
> then murdered by the police to try to prevent the establishment of
> the eight hour workday.

Unions once were an effective means of collective bargaining, and may
still play a part in some professions, however any profession that is
based on knowledge and intelligence has no rational need, IMNSHO, for a
union unless there evolves some sort of monopoly buyer of professional
labor. Unions were needed when there were only three steel companies,
one oil company, three car companies, etc, and anyone who worked in
those industries was dependent on those companies for their living. If
these conditions are not met, then it is the union that is trying to
manipulate and extort the market. The ABA, the AMA, the NEA and others
are IMHO manipulative, extortionary unions that should have anti-trust
actions taken against THEM.

It is no accident that in the US only 14% of private sector employees
are unionized while 37% of government sector employees are unionized. It
shows that the extortionists are clumping together at the center of
power. In the private sector, no company can maintain pricing control
over the market to pass off extortionate union demands to the consumer
for long, as there will always be a non-unionized alternative in the
free market that can compete better than the unionized firm.
Stockholders will thus maintain pressure on management to prevent
excessive union concessions. In the government, since union lobbying
money is not limited, the government employee unions are the most
powerful voice, which is why taxes and budgets always go up, or never go
down for very long. The politicians do not effectively represent the
taxpayer as shareholders in the political corporation.

Mike Lorrey

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