Re: Should we be developing nonlethal means ofself-defense?(wasre:violence)

Date: Sat Oct 02 1999 - 03:35:21 MDT

In a message dated 10/2/1999 1:12:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< I just hate the idea of spending as much money a year on a prisoner as
 could be made by that person in a high tech job. I personally don't
 think that most crooks lives are worth the $50,000.00 a year it takes
 to keep them locked up. If cryo is a cheap alternative storage method
 (obviously less room needed, less security needed, no food, sanitary, or
 waste costs involvded) I say chill 'em all and let the Omega Point sort
 them out. (Nice paraphrase, eh?) ;) >>

     I agree that the amount of money spent on imprisonment is sickening (I
had a subject a while back on alternatives to imprisonment). And yes, I
laughed at the paraphrase.
 <<The best ones are studies by Kleck as well as John Lott's seminal study
 of all of the FBI's crime data from 1979 to 1995, published in his book
 _More Guns, Less Crime_. While the gun controllers hate this book, and
 even if you lean in that direction, I recommend you read this book first
 before coming to a conclusion. >>

    Thanks for the references, I'll have to check them out. BTW, I don't
really lean towards gun control personally.

 <<>From the Dallas Morning News online:
> FBI to acknowledge use of pyrotechnic devices
> New account on Branch Davidian fire expected
> 08/25/99
> By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News
                   °1999, The Dallas Morning News
> AUSTIN - The FBI is preparing to acknowledge in a formal statement that
its agents fired pyrotechnic tear gas grenades on the last day of the Branch
Davidian siege, senior federal law enforcement officials said Tuesday.
> The statement would represent a reversal from the federal government's
adamant, long-held position that the FBI used no device capable of sparking a
fire on the day the Branch Davidian compound burned near Waco.
> Earlier this week, former senior FBI official Danny Coulson told The
  Dallas Morning News that pyrotechnic grenades had been used on April
   19, 1993, the day that the compound burned with David Koresh and more
  than 80 followers inside.
> Mr. Coulson's statement was the first time that a former or current
 federal law enforcement official publicly acknowledged the use of pyrotechnic
     devices on April 19. The government has long fended off accusations
 that FBI agents touched off the fire on that day, but Mr. Coulson said the
 pyrotechnic grenades were not responsible.
> Earlier Tuesday, Texas Department of Public Safety Commission
    Chairman James B. Francis said the Texas Rangers have "overwhelming
      evidence" supporting Mr. Coulson's statement about the use of
> "There are written reports by Rangers, there is photographic
 evidence, there is physical evidence, all three of which are problematic,"
 said Mr. Francis.
> Later, officials with the U.S. Justice Department began backing
 away from their long-held assertion that the FBI used no pyrotechnic devices
 when it launched a tear gas assault to end the 51-day standoff with the
 Branch Davidians.
> "We've seen the reports, and we're trying to get to the bottom
 of them," said Justice Department spokesman Myron Marlin, declining to
 comment further.
> Senior federal law enforcement officials in Washington said Tuesday
 night that the FBI was drafting a statement that would confirm that
 two pyrotechnic devices were used. A spokesperson at FBI headquarters
initially told reporters that a statement would be released Tuesday afternoon
but later said it had been postponed until Wednesday.>
 Mr. Coulson, a former assistant deputy director of the FBI and
 founding commander of the hostage rescue team, told The News this week that
he recently learned that two M-651 CS tear gas grenades were fired hours
before the compound burned.
> Rangers' inquiry
> The issue is a major focus of an ongoing inquiry by the Texas Rangers.
 It is also a key allegation in a federal wrongful death lawsuit in which
 surviving Branch Davidians and families of the dead have alleged that
 government wrongdoing and negligence caused the tragedy.
> The issue also was a factor in a decision by the state DPS to
 persuade a federal judge in Waco to take control of all the evidence in the
 case. U.S. District Judge Walter Smith issued a sweeping order on Aug. 8
 requiring federal authorities to turn over all physical evidence, documents,
 recordings and photographs connected to the Branch Davidian tragedy.
> A law enforcement official familiar with the Rangers inquiry said
 Tuesday that the agency has positively identified a shell casing recovered
 from near the compound as part of an M-651 CS canister, a 40 mm U.S.
military device that releases tear gas with a burning explosive capable of
sparking fires.
> The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Rangers
 also have strong evidence that it was used by the FBI on April 19. The
 official said the shell casing's markings and distinctive shape are unique to
 the M-651.
> "There is no question of what it is and where it came from," the
 official said.
> That information was among findings shared Tuesday afternoon with two
congressional investigators, who flew to Austin for a private
 briefing on the Rangers inquiry.
 Mike continues:
>From my own experience in the military, I know for a fact that the M-651
 is intended to deploy gas in an outdoor environment, expecting at least
 some breeze to disperse the gas as it is emitted, while still being
 effective in a 10-20 meter radius, on adult men's bodies. Since most of
 the targets were in fact women and children, in cramped quarters, its
 rather obvious that used of these devices is a bit of overkill, pun
     It might have been accidentally deleted, but I don't see any mention of
tear gas toxicity in this release....unless you were referring to the
ordinance's pyrotechnic qualities, which I would think of more as a sid
effect as opposed to a toxicity.

 <<Sorry if I painted too broadly, however rights are not something you can
 triage. You either have little or no tolerance for any infringement, or
 you might as well sign up for the gestapo.>>
     No apology necessary; I found it funny more than anything else. And I
admire your protection of rights, but I think that in a less than perfect
world people sometimes have to balance conflicting rights; that's one reason
I am a Transhumanist, to try and create a better way of doing things so that
happens less (may take a few centuries, but hey, that's what immortality's
for<G>). I never try to infringe on rights but sometimes you have rights in
conflict that are mutually exclusive, so that there is no way to avoid
infringement given the options at the time.

<< Oh, heck I can imagine having one on a keychain! its at least as
 deployable as a pepper spray or a pistol.>>
    Except that it has to be thrown, while I think a high velocity round
would be faster ( It also has to be on a timer to allow it to clear your
hand). And of course you dtill need a follow-on weapon if you wish to
prevent your attacker from striking once the effects wear off
 <<Yeah, pure skunk is powerful stuff, I can imagine women spraying guys
 they don't want to talk to at clubs. Possibly might cause more crimes
 than it prevents.>>

     Say, don't people say the same thing about guns?<g> Again, I think it
might be worht the risk (and how do you think those women would act if they
knew the guy was also carrying some skunk spray? Showdown at the Stinky
Corral or would it act as a deterrent?

<< having two bodies would obviously make a bigger IR signature, so the
 charge would be greater, and the operator could still make a pinpoint
 aim by the visible point of the ruby laser on the target.>>

   Yeah, but if the range were a bit long there might be time for the target
to shift and you could end up hitting the hostage with a possibly lethal
dose. Still, the hostage has a better chance than if they were hit by a
lethal round.

 << Essentially you have three choices:
 EM weapons
 Chemical weapons
 Kinetic weapons
 all have good points and bad points.>>

     In general, I agree, though I'm not sure whether acoustic weapons should
be added or considered a form of kinetic weapon. Also, we could add
entangling weapons like sticky foam or shotgun ejected bolos, which haven't
really been addressed yet.

<<My personal take is that while its more likely you can make non-lethal EM
or chemical weapons, such weapons are of such great potential as tools of
torture (see how frequently cops use tasers to torture prisoners), while guns
are not abused in this manner nearly as much for the simple reason that
discharging that weapon
 IS highly likely to seriously hurt or kill someone, so the potential
 consequences for the person pulling the trigger are much greater than
 for merely tickling someone with a taser, and the person pulling the
 trigger also understands the finality of that act, versus the taser
 being seen as not a lethal threat to the prisoner or victim, so its not
 as immoral to abuse as a gun... I beleive in the logic of deterrence by
 threat of overwhelming force. It seems to work.>>
     I understand there is the potential for abuse, as with all things, but
I'd rather risk torture than death....easier to recover from torture at the
present time. And quite frankly, I don't need any new methods to torture
someone, I can do quite well with some classics and likely not leave a mark.
I never was a fan of mutually assured destruction; much prefer mutually
assured indestructibility. And I think my preferred deterence would be near
certain apprehension and the application of appropriate consequences for
their actions. Nonlethal weaponry would only be a part of that goal. Having
said all that, I do think that if almost every law-abiding citizen went
around armed with conceal firearms, it would be a powerful way to curb crime.
 But if they went around with effective nonlethal weaponry, and had a justice
system that worked you could probably do as well, and avoid some tragedies in
the process.

   On a practical note, considering the current difficulties inherent in
developing an absolutely nonlethal weapon, maybe it would be prudent to set
our sights a little lower in the short term and accept some risk of death in
our "nonlethal" weapon (though much, much less than with firearms and other
"lethal" weapons). In this vein, using something like a powerful
benzodiazepine or curare derivative would be quite effective. And remember,
the method of death from these two would usually be respiratory
long as CPR were intitiated immediately and either a counteragent or
ventilator were available later, the respiratory failure would not lead to
death or even permanent incapacitation. So perhaps we can make due with a
nearly nonlethal weapon. At least until something better arrives.

Glen Finney

PS, maybe it would be a good idea to carry some flashbangs along with
whatever other form of personal defense we have, can only help<g>.

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