Re: violence...

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Thu Sep 30 1999 - 00:35:01 MDT

Eugene Leitl wrote,
>This treatment is absolutely untypical. Thanks to the animal rights
>activist movement and USDA the animals usually enjoy much better
>protection (in civilized countries) animal research facilities than
>human patients ever hope to experience.

Well then, if human patients (baby boys in the case of male genital mutilation)
cannot hope to experience protection as good as that provided to animals, that
supports my contention that this instance of violence toward men and masculinity
(amputating the prepuce) exemplifies hatred (or at best, indifference) toward
male sexuality. The absence of any research studies to determine the
psychological effects of circumcision provides further evidence of aversion to
the subject of men's issues.

--J. R.
        .--, .--,
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      '.__/o o\__.'
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> - < From:
"First, the good news: all you have to do is talk about it.
Now, the bad news: you have to talk about it."

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