Re: violence...

From: Brian S (
Date: Thu Sep 30 1999 - 08:50:46 MDT

--- "J. R. Molloy" <> wrote:
> Eugene Leitl wrote,
> >This treatment is absolutely untypical. Thanks to
> the animal rights
> >activist movement and USDA the animals usually
> enjoy much better
> >protection (in civilized countries) animal research
> facilities than
> >human patients ever hope to experience.
> Well then, if human patients (baby boys in the case
> of male genital mutilation)
> cannot hope to experience protection as good as that
> provided to animals, that
> supports my contention that this instance of
> violence toward men and masculinity
> (amputating the prepuce) exemplifies hatred (or at
> best, indifference) toward
> male sexuality. The absence of any research studies
> to determine the
> psychological effects of circumcision provides
> further evidence of aversion to
> the subject of men's issues.
> --J. R.

Actually, I think this is just a case of tradition
being very hard to overcome.


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