Eugene Leitl's work on ice blockers

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 23:11:16 MDT

Jeff Davis writes:

> Eugene, you've hinted at this a couple of times recently. If you can do so
> without giving away the store, perhaps you might elaborate a bit.
Oops <blush>... er... As you perhaps know, Mr. Darwin is prone to
lapsing into dramatic narratives. The hours are not as long as
depicted, nor the new iceblockers as good as advertised. Since the
already disclosed methoxylated stuff quite good progress has been
made; my contribution however belongs more into the cathegory "minor
In toto, with the new cryoprotectants it looks as if reversible organ
cryopreservation is not just a pipe dream anymore (surprise,
surprise). Perhaps in a few months we will know more, when the kidney
work will move into new phase (enough tox studies on slices, let's go
for the whole hog). Inasmuch the new iceblockers translate into
improvement for brain vitrification, remains to be seen. However, we
landed just a random hit in structure space, it is unlikely to be the
global optimum. There should be much better things out there.

More news to follow, film at eleven..

> And if you can't, well, thanks for the effort, congratulations on your
> accomplishment, and keep up the good work.

I'd love to tell everything I know, unfortunately the patent agencies'
mills grind quite slowly. I don't know how much I can disclose without
blowing the claims, so I better keep quiet.

Thank you for your kind wishes!

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