Eugene Leitl's work on ice blockers

From: Jeff Davis (
Date: Tue Sep 28 1999 - 18:56:18 MDT

Mike Darwin, posting to the cryonet, today, responds to the following
comment by Robert Ettinger:

">I believe 21CM has a different class of substances it calls ice
>blockers, acting through a different mechanism.

by saying:

>This is correct. This work, begun by Brian Wowk, has continued to progress
>at an astounding pace. In no small part this been due to truly hurculean
>efforts by Eugene Leitl, who I have seen putting in day after, day after
>day of 14, 16 and even 20 hours at a stretch working to synthesize novel
>ice blocking molecules: a task in which he has succeeded remarkably!

Eugene, you've hinted at this a couple of times recently. If you can do so
without giving away the store, perhaps you might elaborate a bit.

And if you can't, well, thanks for the effort, congratulations on your
accomplishment, and keep up the good work.

                        Best, Jeff Davis

           "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
                                        Ray Charles

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