Re: Does a nanotech pleasure city have to be productive??

Date: Mon Sep 27 1999 - 16:28:40 MDT

In a message dated 9/27/1999 3:09:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I realize Muse that you were making the point that not every city should
 HAVE to be economically productive but ironically this city would be a
 fantastic tourist attraction!! If it were attacked it would probably be by
 the jealous combined forces of the Disney and Universal Studios Alliance! I
 can just imagine air cavalry units composed of troops mounted on flying
 Dumbo's and great white sharks! Scary!!

Point well taken. I was thinking more in terms of a polulace with well
developed aesthetics and highly tuned sensory nodes, rather than

On another note: I have never found the "happiest place on earth"
particularly pleasant or aesthetically pleasing to the senses (especially the
food - gack!!!). Disneyland with nanotech would be well ordered, immaculate &

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