Re: Robin's Arts Post (Was Re: Extropic Flare In NY Art Scene

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Sat Sep 25 1999 - 11:58:48 MDT

At 10:24 PM 9/24/99, E. Shaun the poet wrote:

>An even deeper question
>(and one which I have never been able to answer for myself) is *why* an
>artist creates in the first place.

It is like this creative intelligence growing in the brain that sends
signals through the capillaries to the intricate network of the body --
from the esophagus down through to the "gut" and causing a wonderful ache,
a anxiously awaited joy to express!

> Is it to prove one's ability?

If I produce a painting -- it is to not to establish to anyone else my own
authenticity or validity. My work speaks for itself and the emotion of
expression has its own worth.

> If so,
>why is it necessary to attain popular approval for one's own creations?

It isn't necessary. It is business. I'm not interested in popular
approval as much as I am interested in producing work that is valuable and
having my business successful. To questions the necessity of getting
approval sure sounds like a very insecure person. Not good for creating or

>Why does an artist feel the need to either
>conform to or react against popular culture?

I suppose the same reason anyone would conforms or reacts? It is not a
prescribed character trait of us artists -:)

>And again, what *is* the
>purpose of art?

Imagine a world without it? Can we get through a day without interfacing
with art?

>So when talking
>about popular art, is there a lowest common denominator of sorts to
>determine what people will like or want to see?

I'm not sure we can group civilization together so tightly by giving a
one-liner sound bite to "art for civilization's sake."

*Although* it seems to me that most people like to be moved by a story that
portrays a person who undergoes and then overcomes odds. The survivor who
wins out over terrible circumstances and who grows because of these
circumstances. This type of story seems to appeals to many cultures.
*Now* take this story and interpret it into poetry. Now, in to a painting
(realistic or abstract), now in a performance piece, a dance, or a play.
Also, interpret the story's essence in a piece of sculpture (Brancusi's
"Bird in Space') is the most elegant example of the story's essence through
a geometric simplicity (Museum of Modern Art, NY). The sentiment can be
expressed in many ways.

Art and aesthetics and our senses - seeing, hearing, tasting, touching
smelling, loving are such a sensorial experience. Let them speak to us
and dance with us! OH! Here comes a gllimmer of light across my studio
wall. Delightful play of elements.


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