RE: Extropic Flare In NY Art Scene

From: Ottley Darron L Contr 388 RANS (Darron.Ottley@HILL.AF.MIL)
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 06:57:35 MDT

Shades of Gibson?

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Childs []
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 1999 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: Extropic Flare In NY Art Scene

> At 05:41 PM 9/20/99 +0200, Anders wrote:

> >Any ideas of what this
> >new stuff could look like?

Anybody see those new Sprite commercials which combine hip hop and Japanese
imagery, with a little Hong Kong movie style thrown in? I think they're
very striking, and very modern. They take two very sophisticated,
technologically advanced cultures that are extremely disparate and combine
them in an interesting way.

I see more and more of this kind of internationalization of American popular
culture. Some of it is strikingly successful (there was a wonderful MTV ad
recently that used Indian imagery) and some of it seems very forced (Madonna
as a geisha?)

If those Sprite ads had aired ten years ago, the audience might not have
understood what they were seeing. But today's audiences are more culturally
literate - the kids in Iowa who watch MTV probably have at least a glancing
familiarity with Anime, Jackie Chan and Tupac Shakur that makes the
synthesis more comprehensible to them.

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