Re: Zen: Dees - Redundant

From: Craig Presson (
Date: Tue Sep 21 1999 - 14:13:11 MDT

--- Robert Owen <> wrote:
> Joe E Dees wrote:
> > Neither this, nor that, nor [neither this nor that], nor [both this and
> > that].
> Not required. The Boolean transform of nor [both this and that] which
> is equivalent to not[this and that] is [not-this or not-that]. But this
> is the inclusive OR, so it includes as a true case [not-this AND not-that].
> But this readily transforms into not[this OR that] or neither this nor that,
> which was explicitly stated.

Yeah, but Nagarjuna lived a long time before Boole and DeMorgan :-)

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