Re: Violence...

From: James Rogers (
Date: Fri Sep 17 1999 - 20:41:17 MDT

At 07:17 AM 9/17/99 -0700, Brian D Williams <> wrote:
>Actually I think this is probably true, I tried searching some
>yesterday to determine what exactly they were using.
>The Japanese routinely gave Methamphetamine (shabu) to troops
>during WWII, especially kakikazi, to hype them up. We used
>amphetamines for the same reason, recently troops in Somalia had to
>deal with locals wacked out on Ghat.

While I can't speak for the other examples, U.S. troops are not given
amphetamines to "hype them up". Amphetamines are used only on specific
missions, usually covert ops deep in enemy territory, were the operational
plan cannot allow the soldiers to sleep for a couple days. For most of the
missions given to US combat troops, amphetamines would be of no help and
probably detrimental.

-James Rogers

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